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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Narconon Vistabay Rehab – Information on Teen Drug Use

Teen drug use is a serious problem in America. Not only because it’s dangerous to the youth of our nation, but also because it leads to adult alcoholism and addiction. The following statistics have been compiled by Vista Bay rehab from various government organizations in an effort to better educate the public on the realities of teen drug abuse. Hopefully, armed with this knowledge, citizens will better be able to protect themselves and those they love from the perils of drug abuse and addiction.

  • In the United States, roughly 3000 teens smoke their first cigarette each day. Of those 3000, 1000 become addicted daily smokers.
  • As of 2004, 27% of adolescents had used a drug of some kind.
  • In 2002, one-third of 10th grade students had used marijuana. Nearly one-fifth of 10th grade students said they had used marijuana at least once in the past month.
  • In 2002, 2% of 10th grade students had used cocaine, 3% had used opiates, 13% had used inhalants, nearly 5% had used a club drug like ectasy or methamphetamine, and about 2% had used anabolic steroids.
  • While the use of most drugs by teenagers has decreased since 2001, the abuse of Oxycontin, a powerful prescription painkiller, has increased to 5% of 10th grade students in 2004.

There is some good news however, due to major effort toward drug education and prevention, teen drug use has experienced a decline in recent years. Narconon Vista Bay rehab is heavily involved in drug education programs along with other Narconon programs throughout the world. We believe that using proper education on what drugs do to the human body and the repercussions of drug abuse, children and teens will be compelled to make responsible decisions when it comes to drug use.

Narconon Vistabay rehab is a network of drug and alcohol treatment centers in California. The Vista Bay program uses the Narconon Drug Rehabilitation technology and boasts a high success rate using a natural, social model for treatment. You can get your kid back with Vista Bay Rehab. For more information, contact an Intake Counselor at 877-600-6906.

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