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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Risks of Adderall Abuse – Narconon Vista Bay Santa Cruz

In recent years, Counselors from Narconon Vista Bay Watsonville have seen a dramatic increase in the abuse of, and addiction to prescription drugs. A major drug, which is affecting our youth, is Adderall.

Adderall can be quite habit forming and regretfully very easy to obtain. Adderall is regarded as a mood and mind altering stimulant that's sometimes prescribed by doctors to relieve major depression. Adderall may also be prescribed to individuals to manage ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and possibly even narcolepsy. This drug has a mix of amphetamine salts, and it is produced for being an extended-release tablet or an immediate-release pill.

Effects of Adderall:

Reduced food cravings
Sleep loss
Stomach discomfort
Stress and anxiety
Weight loss

Research indicates that Adderall can be quite beneficial when used as prescribed, however quite often it's not consumed responsibly or as prescribed by doctors which is why it's quickly rising as one of the most popular taken advantage of stimulants. Similar to other amphetamines, Adderall seems to boost attention and focus while raising a person's heart beat and blood pressure level. Adderall is meant to be used orally as approved, but when it is misused it can also be snorted, injected, or even smoked; much as the street versions like crystal meth, crank, speed or ice.

A typical fallacy is the fact that since Adderall is supposed to be “trustworthy prescription drug” it is actually less risky when compared with unlawful narcotics. This notion is incorrect as it reacts much the same as its illegal counterparts, and could even be deadly if a large amount is injected into the blood stream.

Being addicted to Adderall is exceedingly harmful for an individual's physical and mental health. It has been proven to result in heart failure. It may also create a rise in body temperature which may be deadly, irregular heart rhythm, in addition to intense paranoia. Adderall use provides risk of stroke, heart attack, to increase violence and in the short term impair eyesight or even loss of life because of the rise in blood pressure.  If an Adderall overdose is suspected or imminent the person must seek immediate medical assistance.

The Indicators and symptoms for an Adderall Overdose:

High blood pressure levels
Upset stomach
Soreness of muscles and bones
Abnormal sweating

Often people become dependent on Adderall merely because they wish to lose weight and it can act as a powerful appetite suppressant.  The weight lost this way comes at much higher cost than the person realizes, given the side effect listed above.  Adderall has become popular amidst high school and college students due to the fact that it has a tendency to strengthen focus and concentration and it provides the abuser a chemically induced vigor which college students take advantage of to ‘cram’ for examinations. Its appeal has increased around university and college campuses during the last couple of years for use as a “study drug.”

For the reason that Adderall grants one temporary weight reduction, imagined improved focus, and vigor it has become a popular narcotic inside our country. The fact that it's a doctor prescribed drug directs some individuals to believe it is not dangerous, and that cannot be more wrong. It is definitely risky, and very addictive.

Virtually all medical experts and drug therapists believe that dependence on Adderall has to be addressed in the same manner as anyone being treated for cocaine or methamphetamine abuse.
At Narconon Vista Bay Rehab, we believe that the best approach to remedy Adderall dependency is to first and foremost clear one’s self of all the drug deposits trapped within the system.

 This approach can be done simply by purifying the body by using The Narconon Vista Bay Rehab New Life Detoxification Program. Here, an individual will be able to remove all the poisonous chemicals that have been trapped in an individual's body by using a mix of perspiring in our dry heat sauna, regular exercise, and diet plan. The drug deposits oftentimes lay inactive within an individual for years and could end up getting re-released into the blood stream leading to powerful drug desires. Getting these out of the body is a huge piece of beating a drug addiction to Adderall or another substance.

Whenever someone gets to be addicted to a drug it is almost always has a psychological explanation and unfortunately addiction is simply a symptom. Narconon Vista Bay drug rehab is able to teach a man or woman to confront their existence and assume responsibility and influence over it. Narconon Vista Bay drug rehab will aid an individual heal broken relationships with friend and family which generally are often the outcome of the individual's previous lack of control. When an individual finds the place that they can be in control over their life and is also happy and successful, the need to take drugs disappears.

In the event you or an individual you care about struggles with Adderall addiction, and you feel as if you are unable to fix it, you ought to take a look at Narconon Vista Bay Santa Cruz. You're not alone. We care, and will help you to enter into an inpatient drug rehab program getting you or a loved one on the path to a healthy, content, and rewarding life.

Please call toll free 1-800-556-8885 to talk with an expert Registered Addiction Specialist. Our job is to aid you or the people you love overcome from drug addiction.